Sunday 4 August 2013

The friends

Today is friendship day. Though, not everyone is here with me to celebrate the day together. But, wherever they are, I wish them a very happy friendship day. I promise them that I am always there for my friends. No matter how bad a situation I am stuck in, if they need me I will stand by their side to be a support.
   I have very few countable friends. But everyone is a gem. Not because they are my friends, but everyone of them is a very good human being.
There are times when we are together and we enjoy every moment of being together. We laugh and sometimes we get sad together. Sometimes we eat together and if any of us is not hungry, automatically we all starts feeling not to eat. Sometimes we get drunk together and do hukka (smoke) together. Even we cry together. Such special is our friendship.
   And if we are not together, we miss each other every moment. No matter how sad or happy we are, but we miss each other very much. Sometimes we run out of time and we stay out of touch for weeks. No phone calls and no meetings. But these things are not enough to affect our friendship. In fact, nothing can affect it. Our bond is so strong. And it will go stronger.
  I won't mention your name here coz you know that who you are. Thank you very much for being a part of my life. For making me smile whenever I am sad and for getting sad with me sometime. You all are special people. I love you all. I miss you all. Be same always. Thanks.
    Kundan jha.