Standing in the street,
Where no one can be seen,
Under the hot sun,
Trying to find the pieces of my heart,
I don’t know where it fell,
When you left it,
And turned away,
Without even seeing the fate of the
broken heart.
Which was not mine,
From the time,
I have started understanding love,
I happily got robbed,
When I first saw your beautiful soul,
And from that moment,
I just haven’t seen myself.
I have seen you,
In every mirror,
And in everything,
Which came across my eyes.
Like my eyes is blind enough,
To see anything beyond you,
Like no one else exist in this
beautiful world,
Which is so because of your smile.
But now,
As you are gone,
Leaving me alone in this cruel world,
I want my heart back.
What if it is broken,
What if it doesn’t belongs to me,
I want to treasure it forever,
As it’s lucky enough to be with you
unlike me.
I want to hear,
The stories of the time when you were
And the details of your face,
When you sleep every night.
I want to feel,
The beats of your heart through mine,
And to see you,
In the every pieces of my broken
Kundan vidyarthy