Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Accepted and deleted.

I was too happy that day. And Why not? Afterall I was successful in finding her after a long try. I finally I found her profile on Facebook. I can't explain how happy I was. I read her profile thrice. I saved her profile picture into my cellphone. Immediately I wanted to request her for friendship. But then I controlled my emotions. I must wait some more, I thought.
But love is love. It never listen to anyone else. I ended sending her a request. And desparetly waited for her acceptance, though the chances were very low.
I couldn't sleep whole night in excitement. The profile of kruti was open on my cellphone for evening to morning. I checked it every minute. Have she accepted or not? This was the question of the night.
Finally she accepted my friend request in Facebook. I was officially a friend of hers. And this was the height of happiness for me. Even I danced in that excitement. I was flying high in the sky.
Around 2 o'clock I logged in again and found her online. Immediately I thought to message her but controlled myself again. I was still thinking of what to write when she went offline. I checked her profile again and all my happiness went off. She was no more in my friend list. She had removed me from her list of friends. I was socked and hurt. But again I controlled.
After three days, I again requested her for friendship. And this time she accepted it and deleted within a minute. Very next moment, I was blocked. She blocked me and I controlled again. Couldn't even Blame her, coz I love her.
A question bubbled up in my mind that if she wanted to delete me then why she accepted at the first place? If she wanted to block me then why she accepted my request second time? I never got an answer. Many thoughts for the answer still pop sometimes but nothing is convincing. Only kruti knows the answer.
     Kundan vidyarthy.

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